Home Town Weather
Current and Future Weather Models For The US 
Includes Current Weather Map, Precipitation Forecast and Excessive Rainfall Forecast and the 5 Day Tropical Outlook for the Atlantic and Pacific. Newly added Wave Heights...
These represent the latest various models for the US. The model types will change seasonally to represent the current time of year. For example, the Winter snow model will be used during the Winter months and the the 5 day tropical outlook will be used during the hurricane season. The GFS model will only be used when severe weather is a threat or when tropical cyclones are forecast to affect a part of the East Coast.
Weather Map, MSLP, 5 Day Tropical Outlook, Florida Wind Field and GFS Model (When Storms Threaten)
Click the image to shrink. 
Legend:       Low Probability Of Fomation.           Moderate Probability Of Formation.         High Probability Of Formation (Likely)