Climate Change and It’s Effects


            Hi everybody. One of the most talked about topics these days is Global warming. There have been some new and disturbing findings over the past few weeks. Scientists have been running computer models that can show how much of an effect the warming temperatures will have on our environment. Click on the link below to get a perspective on our planets future:


            Click below to see what the public health effects might be in the coming decades:


            In essence, our climate change is being caused by our excessive use of fossil fuels. Every time we start our car or turn on a light or even mow the grass, we are contributing to Global Warming. The emissions that are expelled from the machines we use accumulate in the upper atmosphere and form a blanket that blocks the escape of heat that is radiated off the earths surface. This heat is then trapped and tends to slowly raise the average temperature of the globe a little more every year. Click on the link below to see how this greenhouse effect takes place…


            It will take every single one of us to participate in reducing these emissions to have a potential effect on getting our environment back in a state of stability. Many of us may not see the full effects of what Global Warming may bring us, but our grand children may very well see at least the beginning of the major changes.

            In Australia, they have actually banned incandescent light bulbs and only compact fluorescent ones are now used. Fluorescent bulbs not only save the environment but they save you dollars. I have replaced nearly all my lights with compact fluorescent bulbs and have noticed a definite drop in my power bill. I addition, I have totally computerized my homes operations including the automation of all my lights and security system. This also helps to save energy.

            Every small thing each one of us does can only have a positive effect on the state of our climate.